I’m Stella
33 years old
5’9, 195 lbs, 38N bra, 10W shoe, green-gray eyes, shaved!
I’m a natural blonde with light body hair, but my hair is dyed pastel pink
more freckles than you can count!
FAVORITE COLOR: grey and brown
FAVORITE DRINK: boring ol’ coffee, matcha latte, winter melon tea, watermelon italian soda
FAVORITE FOOD: bean and cheese burritos, hand-torn cabbage, watermelon, every dumpling in the world, tofu, SOUP!!
FAVORITE GAMES: Thief, System Shock, Hades, HoMM3 HotA, Silent Hill, Minecraft, Fallout 1-2 + New Vegas, Alien: Isolation, Mass Effect, KotOR, FF7, the SNES classics (Earthbound, Chrono Trigger, etc), Alpha Centauri, Kirby
FAVORITE BOOKS/MUSIC: get to know me first ❤ ♥
I don’t like gifts! please don’t bring me stuff!
我正在學中文! 請幫我練習!
all races, ages, shapes, and sizes welcome!
I’m independent, work alone, am not remotely interested in “management” or your weird photography offers, and don’t want to be a present for your wife!
if you know me IRL, no you don’t!